The USC Aiken Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Compliance provides confidential services to evaluate and provide feedback for the continual improvement of University administrators and personnel. Services are also provided to Search Commmittees to solicit opinions and feedback from campus constitutencies on the viability of candidates. Individuals wishing to make use of these services should contact the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Compliance.


On an annual basis, all full-time permanent faculty are invited to evaluate the performance of their College Dean on 18 items covering elements of academic leadership and representation of the College. Analyses are conducted to show relative strengths and perceived areas for potential improvement.

DEAN EVALUATIONS (Department Chairs)

On an annual basis, all Department Chairs are invited to evaluate the performance of their College Dean on 22 items covering elements of academic support, leadership and management. Analyses are conducted to show relative strengths and perceived areas for potential improvement.


On an annual basis, all full-time and part-time faculty are invited to evaluate the performance of their Department Chair or School Dean on 21 items covering elements of academic leadership and management. Analyses are conducted to show relative strengths and perceived areas for potential improvement.


Choice Checkmark

Search Committees wishing to solicit input from campus constituents regarding candidates should contact the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Compliance to discuss open ended questions, qualities to be rated, and timeline considerations. Reports can be created to provide overall impressions to the Search Committees as well as the opinions of specific constituencies such as students, community members, faculty, administrators, alumni, and staff. The goal of such services is to provide Search Committees with varied perspectives as they deliberate on the viability of candidates.