The Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Compliance and the University of South Carolina Aiken maintains membership in several professional organizations. The institution contributes to the research and activities of these national organizations in an effort to promote professional collaboration and support, and as a commitment to openness and public accountability.

American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)


Consisting of approximately 350 institutions, the ​American Association of State Colleges and Universities promotes appreciation and support for public higher education. The association analyzes public policy and serves as an advocate for of member institutions and the students they serve. Among other things, the association provides program support to strengthen academic quality, promote access and inclusion, and facilitate educational innovation.

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)


The American Association of University Professors is an organization of professors and other academics in the United States. Membership includes over 500 local campus chapters and 39 state organizations. The association advocates academic freedom and shared governance, defines fundamental professional values and standards for higher education and promotes the economic security of all engaged in teaching and research in higher education.

Colleges of Distinction

Colleges of Distinction Logo

Colleges of Distinction help students and their parents select the right school.The organization recognizes schools that deliver on four overarching distinctions including student engagement, high quality teaching, community, and successful outcomes. Colleges of distinction are nationally recognized by education experts as exceptional schools. Details leading to the recognition are noted on the institution's online profile.

Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC)


The University of South Carolina Aiken is one of 30 members in North America that make up the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges. COPLAC emphasizes the importance and benefits of providing students with comprehensive public higher education in the liberal arts and sciences. Member institutions have extensive, integrated arts and sciences core curricula. COPLAC organizes and administers faculty and student exchanges, professional development opportunities, summer institutes, shared study-abroad programs, and enhanced information sharing.

South Carolina Association for Institutional Research (SCAIR)


Institutional researchers at the University of South Carolina Aiken are members of the South Carolina Association for Institutional Research. The goal of the organization is to benefit, assist, and advance research leading to improved understanding, planning, and operation of institutions of postsecondary education in South Carolina.

Arbor Day Foundation - Tree Campus Higher Education

Tree Campus Logo

USC Aiken is recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a higher educationTree Campus. Tree Campus Higher Education is a sustainable forestry program that’s tailored for colleges and universities.

Voluntary System of Accountability Analytics

VSA Logo

VSA Analytics is an online benchmarking platform that institutions may use to mark their efforts to improve student success and institutional effectiveness. The platform includes 25 key performance metrics. Interactive reports combine publicly available data from multiple sources and present it in a format where institutions can benchmark their performance against their peers. The data can be used for accountability reporting, accreditation, and strategic planning.