The University of South Carolina Aiken :: Institutional Effectiveness

The University Of South Carolina Aiken

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USCA Alumni Survey: 1996-1998 Graduates

Part 1 | Part 2 | Parts 3 and 4

The following numerical report was generated with data from the Alumni survey completed in June 2001. The Alumni surveyed were graduates from the years 1996-1997 and 1997-1998.  There were 841 surveys sent out, and 193 returned for a response rate of 22.9%.

Part One: Demographic Information
2. Indicate your gender    
  Number Percent
1. Female
2. Male
 Total Responses:
3. Indicate your age    
1. 20 or under
2. 21 or 22
3. 23 or 24
4. 25 or 26
5. 27 to 29 41 21.5%
6. 30 to 39 40 20.9%
7. 40 to 61 41 21.5%
8. 62 or over 2 1.0%
Mean: 5.26  
Total Responses: 191  
4. Indicate your primary racial/ethnic group    
1. Afro-American or Black 21 11.1%
2. Asian American, Oriental, Pacific Islander 0 0.0%
3. Caucasian or White 159 83.7%
4. Mexican-American, Mexican Origin 2 1.1%
5. Native American (Indian, Alaskan, Hawaiian) 0 0.0%
6. Hispanic 2 1.1%
7. Puerto Rican, Cuban, Other Latino 2 1.1%
8. More than one group listed above 0 0.0%
9. Other 1 0.5%
10. I prefer not to respond. 3 1.6%
Mean: 2.85  
Total Responses: 190  
5. Indicate the highest degree you currently hold    
1. Associate Degree 17 8.9%
2. Bachelor's Degree 151 78.6%
3. Master's Degree 24 12.5%
4. Doctorate Degree 0 0.0%
5. Professional Degree 0 0.0%
6. Other Degree 0 0.0%
Mean: 2.03  
Total Responses: 192  
6. Indicate the year you graduated from USCA    
1. 1996 30 15.5%
2. 1997 110 57.0%
3. 1998 53 27.5%
Mean: 2.12  
Total Responses: 193  
7. Indicate your most frequent status while at USCA    
1. Full-time Student 161 84.3%
2. Part-time Student 30 15.7%
Mean: 1.16  
Total Responses: 191  
8. Indicate your residence status while at USCA    
1. In-state Student 178 92.7%
2. Out-of-state Student 14 7.3%
3. International Student (Not U.S. Citizen) 0 0.0%
Mean: 1.07  
Total Responses: 192  
9. Indicate how long you attended USCA    
1. 1 Year or Less 2 1.1%
2. 2 Years 37 19.5%
3. 3 Years 35 18.4%
4. 4 Years 69 36.3%
5. 5 Years or More 47 24.7%
Mean: 3.64  
Total Responses: 190  
10. Indicate the campus you attended for most of your USCA experience   
1. Aiken 173 91.1%
2. Beaufort 12 6.3%
3. Salkehatchie 3 1.6%
4. Sumter 2 1.1%
Mean: 1.13  
Total Responses: 190  
11. Indicate your major while at USCA    
1. Biology 16 7.6%
2. Business Administration 39 18.6%
3. Chemistry 4 1.9%
4. Communications 0 0.0%
5. Early Childhood Education 14 6.7%
6. Elementary Education 30 14.3%
7. Secondary Education 7 3.3%
8. Exercise & Sports Science 7 3.3%
9. English 6 2.9%
10. Fine Arts 0 0.0%
11. History 3 1.4%
12. Interdisciplinary Studies 6 2.9%
13. Mathematics & Computer Science 4 1.9%
14. Industrial Mathematics 0 0.0%
15. Nursing (4 year - BSN) 19 9.0%
16. Nursing (2 year - ADN) 29 13.8%
17. Political Science 7 3.3%
18. Psychology 11 5.2%
19. Sociology 7 3.3%
20. Criminal Justice 1 0.5%
Total Responses: 210  
12. Indicate the degree you received from USCA    
1. Associate Degree 20 10.9%
2. Bachelor's Degree 162 88.5%
3. Master's Degree 1 0.5%
Mean: 1.80  
Total Responses: 183  
13. Were you married at the time you attended USCA?    
1. Yes 83 43.5%
2. No 108 56.5%
Mean: 1.56  
Total Responses: 191  
14. Do you plan to return to USCA for future studies?    
1. Yes 45 23.3%
2. No 67 34.7%
3. Undecided 81 42.0%
Mean: 2.19  
Total Responses: 193