Surveys & Tests

The IE Office provides funding and assistance to academic departments and administrative units with assessment surveys and tests.  The office routinely administers the ETS Proficiency Profile and Major Field Tests.  Surveys such as CIRP Freshman Orientation, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the National Association of College Stores (NACS) Bookstore Satisfaction are coordinated through the office.  Numerous surveys are created and run in-house on our enterprise survey platform.  Surveys include academic advisement, alumni, exit surveys for academic programs, and various satisfaction appraisals.  Please contact the IE Assessment Coordinator, Jessica Hoffman ([email protected], Ext. 3205) if you have questions, require assistance, or would like us to create a survey.

(Please note: The above links open in a new browser window.)

The ETS Proficiency Profile allows institutional users to:

  • achieve an overview of an institution’s general education program’s effectiveness in meeting accreditation requirements and performance funding
  • define strengths and also areas of improvement for teaching and learning functions
  • gauge their respective institution’s performance against more than 400 institutions and over 500,000 students around the nation
  • include 50 locally produced questions in addition to the test itself, choose the format of testing (i.e. pencil and paper or online), and also choose how the test will be administered (i.e. proctored or nonproctored)
(Source: "ETS Proficiency Profile Overview")

The Major Field Tests, administered by ETS, allows institutional users to:

  • make improvements to curricula based on test results and display program strengths to potential students and faculty
  • compete for performance funding
  • make certain that students have mastered their respective area of study
  • use their time to examine other aspects regarding accreditation
(Source: "About ETS Major Field Test")

The CIRP Freshman Survey encompasses a vast range of student characteristics (parental income and education, ethnicity), and student demographic items (financial aid, values, attitudes, etc.)

(Source: "CIRP Freshman Survey Overview")

The NSSE Survey annually gathers data from hundreds of four-year universities and colleges around the nation regarding student involvement in activities and programs that institutions offer for a student’s learning and individual development.  Institutions use the information gathered in order to define areas of improvement regarding different aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom.

(Source: "About NSSE")

The NACS Bookstore Satisfaction Survey, administered to students and faculty, allows users to decide the most favorable mix of products for their store, engage in quality and sufficient customer service, find out what the faculty believes is important, measure any strengths and weaknesses, improve the image of the store, and satisfy customer needs.

(Source: "NACS: Research: Campus Survey Services")